Men's League has officially started for the season and the results are in...
Every player's score is randomly combined with another player's score to determine who got the lowest score, etc. for the winnings. Here are all the games and results:
1st Place Low NET combined score - 72.5; Ed S & Jim N - winning 15.00 each
2nd Place Low NET combined score - 73.8; Bill B & Darcy S - winning 12.00 each
3rd Place Low NET combined score - 74; Orville R & Kevin S - winning 9.00 each
Last Place Low NET combined score - 79.3; Doug W & Brenden C - winning 3.00 each
1st Place Low Gross combined score - 94; Bob M & Ross V - winning 12.00 each
Individual Low NET score - 36.2; Jim N - winning 15.60
Individual Low Gross score - 41; Ray Co - winning 8.40
Longest Putt #4 - Riley M - winning 6.00
Closest to the Target #5 - Dennis T - winning 6.00
Closest to the Pin #7 - Darcy S - winning 6.00
Putting Contest - Carry Over - 24.00
KP #2 (chip on) - Bob M - 24.00
(within flag length or touch ball)
(all ties are split equally)
50/50 - Ticket# 7187438 - 58.00 - Winner = Mike S
(please email us if you have the winning ticket)
All unclaimed winnings will go towards Year Fund!